How to Increase your Following on Social Media with UGC Creators

Social media has become a fundamental part of our lives, and it is hard to ignore the impact it has on our daily routines. For businesses, social media has become a platform to reach out to their target audience and interact with them in a more personalized manner. 

One of the best ways to go about this is to constantly put out engaging content that will drive viewers and boost your social media following. However, high-quality content creation is quite challenging as more and more people are vying for the attention of users.

That’s where UGC (user generated content) comes in. UGC is like one of the essential bones of a successful social media strategy body. UGC creators provide a foundation for businesses to build their brand on social media by creating high-quality content that relates to their target audience, ultimately increasing followers.

What is user-generated content?

First, let's understand what user-generated content is all about. 

User-generated content (UGC) refers to text, images, videos, or audio created by users of a particular platform or service. For instance, when a user shares a video on Instagram about finding the best makeup palate they've ever used, that's UGC. When a brand retweets a user's comment or post on Twitter, that's UGC. Other forms of UGC include reviews on sites like Yelp, praise-filled posts on Facebook or Instagram, tagged posts, and more.

UGC helps makes your brand more human and relatable by bringing in real people with real stories that explicitly show your product or service in real-life, thereby building trust, loyalty, and healthy relationship with potential customers.

Who are User-generated Content Creators?

UGC Creators have been around for years, but the term and the possibilities have suddenly become very popular over the past year.

UGC creator is a person who creates content that is generated by users of a particular platform or community. This can include social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, as well as other online forums and communities. These creators can be anyone, ranging from everyday people to well-known social media influencers or celebrities. 

They are different from businesses or brands that create their own content. They produce content that is often more authentic and relatable, based on their own experiences, opinions, or creativity. They can produce various types of content, including photos, videos, memes, reviews, or comments, among others.

They are also different than influencers. We’ll put in the simplest terms. Let’s pose a hypothetical:

  • Business A needs to promote their new organic exfoliator

  • They hire a UGC creator to create a short-form video performing their nightly skincare routine, adding elements of their overall night routine, to deliver a “get un-ready with me” style video.

  • The UGC Creator will deliver that video to them (after being paid) and Business A will use it in their marketing without ‘credit’ to the creator.

  • If Business A wanted to work with an influencer instead, they would send their exfoliator to the influencer with specific posting guidelines, and the influencer would post on their own social platforms, using their audience to leverage more sales for Business A.

Benefits of  UGC Creators

Based on who UCG creators are and what they offer, here are some of the key benefits of using UGC creators to boost your social media following:

1. Increased Engagement

UGC creators can create content that resonates with your followers and, as a result, can help increase engagement with your social media accounts. UGC is often more relatable and trustworthy than branded content, and as a result, UGC creators can help increase likes, comments, and shares on social media posts.

2. Improved Trust

UGC creators can help build trust with potential customers by creating content that showcases their positive experiences with a brand or product. When potential customers see positive reviews and testimonials from other customers, they are more likely to trust the brand, follow on social media, and make a purchase.

3. Your brand gets exactly what you want

User-generated content in general, is an excellent way to get your hands on more content and build a sense of community. But not all UGC created by your customers will be reusable (For example, poorly lighted images of your products that have been tagged). When you invest in a UGC creator, you can be assured that you get the right content to capture your audience the right way.

4. Authenticity

Showcasing UGC created by UGC creators gives your potential customers or audience a genuine view of your business. UGC creators create authentic and relatable content, making it more likely to resonate with potential customers, thereby boosting social media following. It’s 2023. People want to see real results, real humans, and real emotions in the brands that they’re going to invest in.

5. Diverse perspectives

UGC creators come from diverse backgrounds and can provide a variety of perspectives on a brand or product. By working with UGC creators, you can create content that resonates with a wider audience and speaks to different customer segments.

How to Find UGC Creators

Finding UGC creators is easier than you think. There are several ways to find UGC creators to work with on social media. Here are a few methods to consider:

1. Social Media Search

One of the easiest ways to find UGC creators is to search for relevant hashtags or keywords on social media platforms. This can be done on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other platforms. Look for posts that mention a brand or product, and reach out to the creator to see if they would be interested in creating content for your brand.

2. Influencer Marketing Platforms

There are several influencer marketing platforms that are expanding their services to UGC connection, and can connect you with UGC creators. These platforms often have a database of creators, and you can search for creators based on their niche, audience, and other factors. You can also hire Hello Media and we’ll find credible UGC Creators for you. 😉

3. Brand Ambassador Programs

Another way to find UGC creators is to establish a brand ambassador program. This involves selecting a group of creators who are passionate about your brand or product and giving them access to exclusive content, discounts, and other perks in exchange for creating and sharing UGC. This can help build a community around your brand and increase engagement with your social media accounts.

4. Customer Reviews

It seems simple (and it is), but another way to find UGC creators is to look for customers who have left positive reviews or comments about your brand or product. Reach out to these customers and see if they would be interested in creating UGC for your brand. It doesn’t get more real than this. Real customers who have genuinely loved your brand. 

5. Existing Customers

Finally, consider reaching out to your existing customers and asking if they would be interested in creating UGC for your brand. This can be done through email, social media, or other channels and can be a great way to build a strong relationship with your customers and increase engagement with your social media accounts.

To wrap it up

It’s time to humanize your brand with UGC Creators. User Generated Content is so vital to the success of many campaigns, but now you can take quality control of that UGC by investing in creators who specialize in it! Ready to engage UGC creators to boost your following on social media? Get in touch with us at Hello Media.


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